The Wedding Of
Minho & Jiyeon
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Saturday, 02 March 2023
The Wedding Of
Minho & Jiyeon
Saturday, 02 March 2023
“So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
– Matius 19:6 –
At Some Place
Sacred Heart Church, Sector 9A, Vashi– 400 703, USA.
Hotel Some Where
Sacred Heart Church, Sector 9A, Vashi– 400 703, USA.
Zoom Id : Special Event
Password : mywedding123
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Send Greetings and Prayers of Blessing for the Bride
It is an honor and happiness for us if you are willing to be present to give blessings to the bride and groom. For your attention, we thank you very much.
We are getting married
Minho & Jiyeon
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